Do Your Roof Cleaning Job 20 MINUTES - Fast And Easy

Hey, what's up guys, Izzy from Endless RVing and in today's video i'm gonna be showing you how to clean the rubber roof Of your motorhome trailer or fifth wheel. You're not gonna want to miss it.
So guys a couple simple things you need to do this job you need some kind of brush this is a telescoping brush from camco the cool thing about this is that you hook it up to a Garden hose through here and that has an on/off switch .

So when you turn it on to allow water to flow through the brush come out the bristles Which is gonna be perfect for this job. Okay, so some kind of brush doesn't have to be this one But there's the one I'm going to use.

Teaneck Roof Cleaning

Second thing you need a garden hose or some sort of source of fresh running water. They gonna need that to clean the roof.Third thing you need some kind of cleaner some people use simple green
You know mixed reviews. 

Some people says it works great ,Some don't I'm gonna be using the dike or rubber roof cleaner .You spread the stuff on and then you just rub it into the rubber roof and rinse it off and that's all.

That's all there is. All right, and then finally .I'm not gonna be showing you this part today .But once the roof dries you want to follow it up with some kind of roof guard. This is a dike or UV protectant.

So after the roof has cleaned off and it dries off you're gonna spray this in three by three sections you sprayed on the roof .Wipe it down with a microfiber towel, and they'll leave a nice UV layer of protectant for your rubber roof. So I keep the room pretty clean. We're gonna move up there.

You're gonna see it's not crazy dirty .We're gonna clean it up. I clean it up like every two months or so, so I'm gonna meet you back up top .I'll see you soon guys. So we're up on the roof. We've got the drone overhead.

MJ's gonna be following me the roof cleaner that I showed you .It's in the spray bottle. I already did a little bit of a section there. I'm gonna bring the rest to you .Really you're gonna spray the stuff in sections.

Let it sit for a couple of seconds and then just brush it off with the brush. Make sure to rinse thoroughly .Okay, so we're gonna go through it. Like I said, I already clean the first section here .It cleans right up to about here so the from here up so now I'm gonna start You can see the dirt here. You see especially the seams underneath .

So I'm going to clean right up to the edge of the air-conditioner .And work my way back .You want to make sure you rinse this stuff off?

Usually once after I clean the roof, we're gonna wash the coach because you don't want this stuff running down to paint. Okay?You can see you can see how how well that really works I didn't use the telescope.

No need for me to be bending over to telescope now .So we're about a quarter of a way done 37 foot roof 36 books, so Pretty easy job once every two months. You'll keep your roof nice and white and Keep it in good shape extend the life of your roof. All right, so it's move back a little bit. 

Just watch your back ,All right.So now I'm gonna cut this up here. I'm gonna go right right across to the first man.Get on the scene.This is not rocket science guys, this is pretty easy to do .

By the way one more thing as we share roof cleaning tip and also provide roof cleaning services . teaneck roof cleaning
